One-two days workshops were confirmed in Brazil for 2013. The hosting of the workshop at important congresses provides a good opportunity to present the Group within the wide community of Brazilian geologists working in the field of Quaternary stratigraphy, geomorphology, sedimentology, neotectonics and palaeoclimatology, seeking to increase the interaction between them and the community of the initial list of specialists of the Group, and to the future participation in INQUA activities. Also, the meeting will allow researchers with different backgrounds to meet, to interact and exchange data and interpretations and also discuss common approaches for studying geological processes along a variety of tectonic settings.

The aim of the meetings is to discuss the exchange of information and different proposals in order to enhance ongoing initiatives as the involvement of more Quaternary researchers working in South America, the training of young scientists in fieldwork runs, the promotion of the attendance and active participation of young researchers to the future meetings of the Group, the integration of advances related to the role of the neotectonics and the climatic changes on representative regions of tropical and subtropical eastern South America and specially spanning the last interglacial-glacial cycle, between others. The objective is to promote innovative contributions on the application of new and established methodological approaches to advance on the sedimentological, stratigraphical (sequence stratigraphy and event stratigraphy), geomorphological, geochronological and paleoenvironmental assessment. We specially target paleaoenvironmental records retrieved from selected geological settings and covering the last interglacial-glacial cycle in order to analyse the correlation between them

The program of the Workshop will consist of:

(i) an introduction to the SAm-GeoQuat Group, with a presentation of the general guidelines, a statement of the long-term objectives and particularly of the proposed tasks for the year 2013.
(ii) a series of oral presentations related to integrated analyses on climate and tectonic forcing on landscape evolution in key regions of South America. Presentations related to fluvial, glacial, lacustrine, aeolian, colluvial and coastal sedimentary Quaternary records of the continent, and their value in registering comparatively rapid response to tectonic and climate influences will be enhanced.
(iii) A special session dedicated to the research of red Quaternary paleosols (D. Kröhling and M. Krause conveners).
(iv) a round-table discussion led by formal participants of the Group.

Scientific contributions for oral presentations are welcome.
Contact: Dr. D. Kröhling (
Abstracts submission deadline: March 18, 2013. Submission through the webpage of the congress (, with copies to

    4th Workshop of the Group, Special sessions and a post-congress field trip, XIV Congresso da Associaçao Brasileira de Estudos do Quaternário (ABEQUA), Natal (NE Brazil), 4-8th August, 2013.

    Coordinators: D. Kröhling (Argentina) and J. Stevaux (Brazil)

The indoor program of the workshop will consist of:

1) an introduction to the SA Focus Group, with a presentation of the general guidelines, a statement of the long-term objectives and particularly of the proposed tasks for the next years,
2) a series of presentations by invited lectures from Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, corresponding to some of the formal participants of the project. They will be related to the state of the art of the research on terrestrial processes during the Late Quaternary, mainly related to integrated analyses on climate and tectonic forcing on landscape evolution in key regions of South America..
3) a thematic session, dedicated to “The analysis of Quaternary geological processes and their records on fluvial-paludal-lacustrine systems of South America", with presentations of specialists working in the Pantanal and Bananal wetlands, the Chaco and Beni alluvial plains, the Parana, Amazonas, Uruguay and Orinoco Rivers, the Pampean and Patagonian lakes are specially enhanced. The session will be arranged according to the running tasks of the Group and specific debates will be organized in order to identify future directions of the SAm-GeoQuat Group
4) a round-table discussion led by formal participants of the Focus Group and participants to the ABEQUA congress, and
5) a short plenary discussion session of the Focus Group.

A related Post-congress Field Trip will include 2 days trip and will be coordinated by Dr. F.H. Bezerra, participant of our Group and Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the congress ( The fieldtrip ("O Quaternário da Bacia Potiguar - Tectônica e Variação do Nível do Mar") will focus on Quaternary tectonic differential coastal uplift and subsidence and seismicity in the most seismically active area of the passive continental margin of Brazil, according to both historical and instrumental seismological data.

We expect the participation of all the interested participants to the Congress. Scientific contributions are welcome.
Contact: Dr. D.Kröhling ( and Dr. J. Stevaux ( Abstracts submission deadline: March 30, 2013. Submission through the webpage of the congress, with copies to conveners.

    Field Training Course and Workshop of the SAm-GeoQuat FG "From the Pampean Ranges to the North Pampa: tectonic and climatic forcing on the Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution". Central Argentina, 14-18 October 2013

    Coordinators: D. Kröhling, C. Costa, C. Carignano, E. Piovano, E. Brunetto and F. Córdoba (members of the SAm-GeoQuat Group , Argentina).
The Field Course is open to young researchers from South American countries (PhD students & Post-Docs). Fieldwork activities will include a 5 days intensive trip along four Argentine provinces (San Luis, Córdoba, Santa Fe and Entre Ríos), from the Eastern Pampean Ranges through the North Pampa Plain to the Parana Fluvial Belt. The trip will follow a ca. 1,100 km geological transect along a key region of the extra-Andean South America that allow discuss in situ outcropping sequences and landforms. This field course provides training in field observation from different geological subdisciplines. The main task of the course will be to stimulate multidisciplinary field discussions between the sub-groups of neotectonics and those sub-groups dedicated to the research of climatically driven processes of the Quaternary, the adaptation of common criteria for the use of all the information on the analyses of the landscape evolution and the application of new laboratory techniques. As the group is travelling, a series of evening talks will take place.

The Workshop of the Sam-GeoQuat Group will be held in Miramar city (Córdoba province), on the afternoon of 16 October, 2013. The indoor program will consist of invited plenary lectures (members of the Group), talks by participants (including young researchers) and roundtable discussions.

The Field Course is competitive and will be limited to a max. of 20 participants, due to logistic reasons. It will only be approved after personal participation in all field activities and all exercises and approval of a final test on the topics discussed in the course. Certificate of attendance for all participants and assessment qualifies for credits towards PhD. Grants for PhD students and early-career scientists (less than ten years after their PhD) from South American countries are available.
To download the first circular click here.
To download the second circular click here.
Grant applicants are requested to submit the application form for the course (to download it please click here).
Deadline for grant applications: 30 July, 2013. Deadline for registration: 30 August, 2013.
Contact: D. Kröhling. E-mail:,

Organizers: The Field Course will be coordinated by experienced workers who are active participants of the SAm-GeoQuat Group: D. Kröhling, C. Costa, C. Carignano, E. Piovano, E. Brunetto and F. Córdoba (Argentina).

    International Field Course on Southern Central Andes Volcanism (Southern Puna Plateau, Argentina). Instituto GEONORTE, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Latino American Assoc. of Volcanology (ALVO)
    and Sam-GeoQuat Group.
    Workshop: 11-12 November 2013; Seminar: 13 Nov. and Field excursion: 14-21 Nov.)

    Coordinators: J. Viramonte and M. Arnosio (members of the SAm-GeoQuat Group, Argentina).
The most important tectonic-related process of landscape development in large parts of the Andes is Quaternary volcanism. This target area belongs to the Central Volcanic Zone of SA. Quaternary-recent volcanoes (in a number that exceeds 600) make a continuous arc through W Bolivia and into E Chile-W Argentina and represented by a remarkable variety of volcanic features ranging from monogenetic tephra cones of basaltic andesite to wide-spread sheets of rhyolitic ignimbrite. Majestic stratovolcanoes predominate (differentiated into Pleistocene -with evidence of glaciation- and Holocene ones -unmodified volcanic features-), between them is the highest active volcano in the world (Nevado Ojos del Salado, 6,893 m, Arg.-Chile border). Extensive caldera systems hundreds of square km in extent are present.

This international course is mainly dedicated to PhD students and ECRs of SA in a highly active tectonic and volcanic context is an excellent opportunity to discuss the interaction of processes in this target area of SA. The trip will cover the application of different research techniques in the identification of volcanic structures and associated pyroclastic rocks.

More information is available at: The Field Course is competitive and will be limited to a max. of 30 participants, due to logistic reasons.

The SAm-GeoQuat Group supports the active participation in this course, through a partial travel grant stipendium for some young researchers from SA.

Contact: D. Kröhling. E-mail:, .

Workshops / Meetings 2012

Workshops / Meetings 2013

Past INQUA Projects

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